--- ALAIN CTHEKPO <alino2005@pnetmail.co.za> wrote:
Dear Bristol,
My mail, no doubt will be a surprise to you. However i sincerely seek your very urgent asisstance in the realizing of the transfer of US$15.5 million Dollars. I am Mr John Saka, of the audit and inspection unit, Continental Bank, Main Branch here in cotonou , Republic of Benin , west Africa . In the course of our routine Auditing and Inspection of Bank records. I and two of my colleages,discorvered a floating and darmant account with a credit balance of US$15.5 million. Further indepth investigation reveal that the said US$15.5 million belonged to our former customer Mr Destin Pal (now deceased). Mr Pal Died in an ill fated plane crash with his wife and two daughter.
As a foreigner, there is no trece to any surving relation of his to inherit the US$15.5 million as his next of kin,since his original next of kin, being his immediate farmily, died alongside him. I therefor as a matter of urgency seek your total co-operation to be presented as the next of kin to destine Pal to enable us facilitate the transfer of the US$15.5 million to a Bank Account you will present.
We have pafected the Banking procedure as insiders in the Bank for a sucessful transfer.We shall arm you with relevant information and documents that will enable you proof your self as the bonafide next of kin to late Destin Pal and the lawful inheritor of the US$15.5 million in his Acount. We have resolved to compensate you with 30% percent of the US$15.5 million upon sucessful transfer to your Acount.70% is for the local group here.
Be rest assured that the ploy is 100% secured and your personality will be highly protected.I shall give you a phone number to speak to me when i got your positive response .While looking forward to a sucessful business relation ship with you .
I am yours
John Saka.
Date: 08 Jun 2004, 01:08:06 AM
Dear Mr. Saka,
I am unsure as to where you obtained my confidential,
personal e-mail address but I am Lady Agatha Bristol,
CBE, and I am Head of Special Operations at Her
Majesty's Foreign Office.
How may I help you?
Yours sincerely,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
Dear Lady Agatha,
Many thanks for your email.My first mail is self explanatory.I am seeking the use of an honest person like you with reputation,to help me achieve the transfer of the said inheritance money of $15.5 million into an account co-ordinates which you will present to me for that purpose.
I am aware of your status as head of foreign operations at her Majesty's office.This is the main reason why I am sure that upon your helping me present the recieving account for the transfer,that I will get my money when the money arrives your designated bank account details.
I have a reputation in the bank where I work,and as such I am guarding this intergrity jealously.Be assured that your personality will be highly respected and protected in the course of your giving me the required assistance.
My dear Agatha,you can kindly give me a call on this number 00 229 86 08 24.It will be a great pleasure to have you call me so that I can give you a verbal update regarding my proposal.The phone call will enable us make a personal assessment of our selves.
I shall be pleased to have a personal phone number where I can talk to you.This is highly confidential.
I am married with four children.As I told you,you will recieve the 30% of the transferred $US15.5 million,while you will keep the 70% until I fly into London for the purpose of opening an account where the 70% belonging to this side will be secured for co,nsidered investment in the UK.
Date: 09 Jun 2004, 01:45:34 PM
Dear Mr. Saka,
Thank you for your note. Please note that I do not
take kindly to over-familiarity so please address me
as Lady Agatha at all times. I am not one of your bank
We understand your predicament and we wish to help.
However, I have one or two technical questions that we
can address once this transaction is underway.
However, you must understand that the Special
Operations Department serves Her Majesty's
Government's interests at home and abroad and any
risks of exposure will result in us distancing
ourselves from anything untoward.
To this end, you are required to swear a Temporary
Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty. This will make you
one of us, as it were, and will offer conclusive (as
opposed to persuasive) proof of your honest intentions
towards us.
Are you prepared to do this?
Yours sincerely,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
Dear Lady Agatha Bristol,
I have perused your reply mail. Accept my sincere
apologies for the manner in which you were
From the bottom of my heart, I want you to
understand that I am not foolish to try anything
messy. I simply want you to understand that I
sincerely need your assistance for the sole purpose
of the successful transfer of this US$15.5 million
in question.
If you send me your copy of completed oath of
allegiance, by mail attachment, I will honestly
endorse it and return it to you. Due to the
confidential nature of this transaction it will be
damaging for me to publicly request an Oath in
favour of a transaction that you are supposed to
from for me as the bonafide inheritor of the said
US$15.5 million.
I will be pleased to endorse any paper you send to
me already prepared from your side. However, I
implore you to receive me and my request for
assistance with open arms. I shall be on my way to
United Kingdom once the money is transferred, so
that I direct the opening of an account on my
behalf, where the share of 70% of the US$15.5
million will be deposited for possible investment in
the UK, while you keep the balance of 30% of the
money as your benefit for the assistance.
I am eagerly awaiting your go ahead instruction so
that we can commence the transfer process which will
not last more than 8 10 days from when we start.
I am your sincerely,
John Saka
Date: 15 Jun 2004, 01:27:51 AM
My dear Saka,
Thank you for your note.
We are delighted that you have agreed to swear a
temporary Oath of Allegiance towards Her Majesty.
Please print out the following text, scan in your
passport photograph, sign and date the document and
e-mail it back to me:
'WHEREAS I, John Saka, being of sound mind and body on
this day ............. 2004 do in ALL FEY QUIMS and by
Her MAJESTY Queen Elizabeth II according to the
Special Operations Act 2004 (Subsection IV, Paragraph
4, Point iii).
We look forward to receiving your Oath shortly.
Yours ever,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
Dear Lady Agatha,
You will find attached, the completed Oath of
Allegiance as you requested me to comply.
I do sincerely hope that with this my Oath of
Allegiance which of course is void of prejudice, I
shall be trusted and regarded as one of you. I
further unequivocally state to you that I am
confident of my living up to expectation.
Our mutual bond of trust as you have demonstrated is
secure in so far as I am concerned. The special
respect I have for your institution will certainly
guide me unswervingly to justify the confidence and
trust you have reposed in me on behalf of Her
Majesty, the Queen.
In this premise, be also confident that I am
committed to you whole souled with all my might
And strength to the realization of the transfer of
the US$15.5 million to the receiving bank account
co-ordinates which I expect from you quickly.
While looking forward to our future business
Remain blessed,
John Saka.

Date: 16 Jun 2004, 02:18:15 PM
My dear Saka,
Thank you for your completed Oath of Allegiance. What
a handsome man you are, if I may be so bold.
We are delighted with the way this transaction is
Please advise us on the next step, old chap.
To: hervecthekpo8@yahoo.fr
Cc: Mikhail Stroganov (Agent on Staff at the Foreign Office)
Date: 17 Jun 2004, 04:20:17 AM
Dear Mr Saka,
I am Lady Agatha Bristol's colleague in the Special Operations Office. As there
will be financial matters concerned in your dealings with her, perhaps you
would be good enough to copy me in on all e-mails to her.
My strictly confidential e-mail address is mryossele@xxxxxx.
Please understand that it will be impossible to conduct any business in US
dollars. For reasons of security we will be happy to conduct dealings in
Argentinean pesos, Slovakian silver dorks or Scottish Pounds sterling.
To expedite matters as quickly, please let me know your choice of currency.
Yours truly,
Joseph Kucker
Senior Treasurer
Cc: hervecthekpo8@yahoo.fr, Charles Farnes-Barnes (Advisor to Her Ladyship)
Date: 18 Jun 2004, 07:30:14 AM
Dear Lady Agatha,
I enclose an e-mail I have received this afternoon from Mr Saka.
One cannot blame him for preferring silver dorks to the peso. I suggest we
should continue on the basis of 1.25 dorks to the US dollar. This would be very
fair to Mr Saka who might well be able to obtain a better rate of exchange
which would compensate for any small bank charges he might incur if he needs US
dollars to complete the transaction.
To complete this business with the utmost speed I believe it would be best to
use one of your personal accounts at the Royal Bank of Dorsetshire. Indeed, I
have taken the liberty of contacting the President, Charles Farnes-Barnes to
make preparation for a swift transfer of funds and doubtless he will advise
whether the dorks should be taken from your meshugge or putz deposits.
I trust this is in order,
Yours sincerely,
Joseph Kucker
Dear Lady Agatha,
I just want to inform you that I have been out of
station for most part of today.
I will send to you unfailingly the text of
application that will be used ti facilitate this
transfer.It is this completed application that will
be used to present to the bank to approve and remit
the inheritance fund of US$15.5 million.
Be rest assured that the confidence that I have in
your institution is the encouragement that I have to
deal with you.If I do not get the best of business
co-operation from the office of her Majesty,the
Queen of England where on this earth will I get a
selfless commitment like you have already given to
We shal be in touch,once I send the text of
application by tomorrow.
May God bless you and give you the strenght that you
require to assist me.
Sincere regards.
Date: 26 Jun 2004, 06:31:21 AM
My dear Saka,
That will be satisfactory. Do hurry, old chap. Chief
Um Bongo from Skull Island has contacted me with a
similar scheme.
As ever,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
Have we heard any more from Mr Saka ?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 15:02:18 +0200 (CEST)
TO:Lady Agatha Brostol.
Dear Lady Agatha,
Thank you for your reply mail which endorsed my oath
of allegience.I have also been written by Joseph
Kucker Senior regarding his co-opration with you as
the treasurer.
I am happy about the security precaution you have
both taken regarding the success of the transfer.
Because of not too favourable economic news from
Argentina,I should think Slovakian Silver dorks or
Scottish pounds sterling will be better.
My chief concern is the currency where you think
that the funds when transferred will be well
secured.You are requested to send without further
delay,the bank account co-ordinates where you want
the US$15.5 million transferred considering my
choice of Slovakia or Scotland.The amount is logded
in US$ here put will be converted to the currency
that you may finally choose,depending on the
recieving bank that you will nominate.
With my oath of Allegiance I think our bond of trust
is secured.You can indly call me on this phone
number that I have given you earlier-00 229 86 08
24.It will a delight to speak to you,
Remain blessed,
John Saka.
To: Joe Kucker
Date: 26 Jun 2004, 06:32:51 AM
My dear Kucker,
We are indeed in touch with Mr. Saka, via Mr.
Farnes-Barnes office.
Dear Lady Agatha,
I am bereaved.I lost my father last friday and
travelled to my native country to prepare for the
burial which will take place next saturday.however
let us get going.
I will send you next the text of an application that
will be used for the successful transfer of the
inheritance claim.
It sould be completed and signed with date and full
name of the recieving account beneficiary,and then
sent back to me by mail attachment.
I should think that Joe can still call me or I call
him if you stll have the throat problem.
Sincerely your's,
John Saka.
Date: 28 Jun 2004, 12:47:40 PM
My dear Saka,
I am terribly sorry to hear such sad news.
We held a special service at our HQ in Wankershire in
your honour. Do let us know if you need anything for
the funeral - some beads perhaps?
I note you have sent me two other emails, to which I
shall respond accordingly.
ATTN: Graham E. Miller,
International operations director,
Continental bank,Cotonou,Benin.
Dear Sir,
Application as next of kin to late Destin Pal,holder
of account number043-856-3218 with your bank.
I (fill in name and address of the bank account
beneficiary where you want the US$15.5 million
recieved).humbly apply to this honourable bank as
bonafide next of kin to your deaceased client Mr
destin Pal,who died on the 25th of december 2003
alongside his immediate family.
I humbly apply,putting claim over his balance with
your bankvalued (US$15.5.)left in his account number
as stated above.I desire this application be given
urgent consideration as I request this balance of
US$15.5m to be transferred into my nominated bank
account details below.
Bank name:
Bank address:
Swift code or routing no:
Account number:
Full name of account beneficiary:
Thanks in anticipation of your co-operation,
Your's Faithfully,
(name,signatureand date of account beneficiary).
Date: 28 Jun 2004, 12:56:01 PM
My dear Saka,
Thank you for this.
What shall we do with it? Surely it won't fool the
bank officials? Do you want us to draft something a
little more professional?
As ever,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
TO:Joseph Kucker/Lady Agatha Bristol.
First of all I thank you both from the bottom of my
heart for your deep down the heart condolences.I
thank you as well for the prayers at your
headquarters.I thank God that I am in safe hands.
I also say thanks for the offer to send me something
for the funeral.I must confess to you that I am
satisfied with the mere thought of sending me
something for the funeral.
I do not want to bother or saddle you with more
loads than what you are doing sincerely already for
me.My family and I will manage the funeral
arrangemaents.May God bless you for your
Regarding Lady Agatha's request,Yes you can send an
application that is a little more professional.My
concern is that such application must be void of
lapses that could spoil your hard earned
intergrity.I am working on a totally hitch-free
transaction as you will be delighted with.
I run into you as a refuge notonly for the fund
transfer,but to secure the funds until I arrive
London.Please note that you will be saddled with
another task of helping me find investments with
minimum risk where I will invest my own share of the
I await your own application and the subsequent
progress that will follow.Actually my father was to
undergo a by-pass surgery,I was awaiting to see that
as soon as the money is transferred,then I will fly
him to the best doctor's in Europe or
America.Unfortunately,this did not happen.God knows
the best.
Sincere regards,
John Saka.
[Side note: Scammers have been known to contact Nigerian expatriates and tell them (lying, of course): your family member is in hospital and needs emergency surgery, but will only get it if you fork over a lot of money by Western Union money order.]
Cc: Michael Montague Barrymore
Date: 30 Jun 2004, 05:42:00 AM
My dear Saka,
Thank you for your note. We are all thinking of you in
troubled times, and will endeavour to ensure you get
exactly what you deserve.
I shall be using the services of Michael Montague
Barrymore, Her Majesty's Legal and Financial Adviser,
to prepare a text of application to the bank.
I trust this is in order.
Dear Lady Agatha,
Many thanks for your mail. I am in accord with your
proposal of using your nominee, Micheal Barrymore.
I await your next and prompt actions. I will like to
see you complete the application issue at least
sometime before the end of tomorrow. I will leave
Cotonou town for my native village, late Friday
evening for my late father's burial that will take
place by noon on Saturday 3rd July.
Once again, I thank you for all that you are doing
for my success.
Sincere reagards,
John Saka.
Cc: Michael Montague Barrymore
Date: 02 Jul 2004, 01:27:24 AM
My dear Saka,
Thank you for your note.
Michael, you have full authorisation from me to
prepare a standard bank application text document.
Please ensure it is Pro-Quims and Ex-Facia Levy-Bowden
in all aspects. I would like to see the Kuztardz
Rule applied. Please liaise with Agent Ilichy Miracsky
for instructions on how to make the document clear for
Mr. Saka - I do not think they have a sophisticated
legal system in his little country.
See you at Annie's Bar for a sherry later - Sir
Marmite is looking forward to finalising arrangements
for your golf match at St. Tesco's tomorrow.
Dear Joseph Kucker/Lady Agatha.
I just returned from my late father's burial
today.It was more of a traditional fanfare than
burial.My late father was a relnowned
traditionalist.I thank you for your condolence and
concerns.I could not write you before I left because
of my very tight programme.
I read your mail suggesting the use of one Barrymore
as the recipient of the money.I am in accord with
your proposals.I am back and wish that we pursue the
claim more swiftly.
I trust that you will guide me unswervingly to the
part of success.May God bless both of you what you
have been doing for me.
I now await the completed application for my
Sincerely your's,
John Saka.
Date: 06 Jul 2004, 05:43:56 AM
My dear Saka,
Thank you for your note.
We are pleased your father's burial went according to
Barrymore and myself have been drafting the text of
application for you, and we shall have that with you
in the next day or so.
However, we would like to know your opinion on one or
two basic legal matters:
i) Do you feel that this should be a pro-quims
transaction? Or should we be looking towards a
glueteus maximus?
ii) Barrymore is insisting on a Kuzdardz Rule
anti-Dilithium clause, but I am not so sure. Your
thoughts would be appreciated.
iii) Finally, do we need to say who the executors of
the Vas Deferens are? We feel not, but it's always
good to have a 'Snickers-Twix' clause, just in case,
don't you agree?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Cc: hervecthekpo8@yahoo.fr
Date: 06 Jul 2004, 06:13:04 AM
Lady Agatha
Shall I draw up the necessary oath for Mr Suka? Is he a member of the
Michael Barrymore AASA, DFC,
2645 Gooliepully Road
Stringalonga, TOCUMWAL,NSW,2714
Phone: (02) 9298 3777
Fax: (02) 9298 3780
Date: 06 Jul 2004, 06:48:39 AM
Dear Michael,
We need the text of application. Mr. Saka's Oath was
scrutinised by yourself several weeks ago. Have you
been spending too much time with Agent Miracsky?
Mr. Saka is from Benin. I do not think they are in the
Commonwealth Club, but do not hold that against him.
As ever,
Cc: hervecthekpo8@yahoo.fr
Date: 06 Jul 2004, 06:59:49 AM
Dear Lady Agatha
You are quite right of course, my apologies; Mr Suka's paperwork is much
more up to date. I have been away, as you know at Togalbolok attending the
Newman case I was getting confused between this application and that for
the dreadful Abacha woman.
In this instance I am unsure whether the text of application should be
entirely pro-quims or non-quims. Do you have a view? Also does this Mr Suka
have a legitimate parentage?
Date: 06 Jul 2004, 07:51:06 AM
My dear Michael,
That's quite all right, old chap. Indeed that Abacha
woman seemed as is she were one of those greasy 419
scammers one hears about; fortunately we have the
genuine article in Mr. Saka.
In terms of quimininity, I suggest pro-quims, but Mr.
Saka may have a view on this.
I would imagine he comes from sturdy tribal stock.
As ever,
Dear Lady Agatha,
Thank you for your mail. I must say that the
business is not getting any easier for me. I thought
by now that we should be talking of fund transfer.
The terms you used are rather complicating.
I require a simple assistance to effectively
transfer and receive the said inheritance money of
US$15.5 million for our mutual benefit.
If I may be right on the Abacha issue on your mail,
as a banker in this subregion of Africa, we are
aware of certain obvious scam being perpetrated by
uncruplus persons from mostly notorious Nigeria. We
alert our bank customers of this and other related
financial fraud.
For the benefit of the doubt, I must stress to you
again that this my proposal originate from an
institution where I work and have indepth knowledge
on how the system operate.
Finally, the confidence I have reposed in you,
expecially your personal ties to Her Majesty make me
100% confidence that I am in the safest hands in the
Considering the ties with Her Majesty, the Queen, it
will be unthinkable, infact impossible for me to
propose anything criminal. If I mess around in
anyway with the trustees of Her Majesty, then I will
be the biggest fool ever. Her Majesty infact is
viewed by me as the people who shape the world we
live in. I cannot imagine engaging in anything
stupid involving Her Majesty or her asignees. I
know the consequence will be dreadful for me. I do
not want to live the rest of my life in Jail.
I am just glad being in your esteemed hands for this
transaction. It is once a life time desire for
billions across the world to be associated in any
way with Her Majesty, it is an opportunity that I
must value, treasure even after the hitch-free
transfer of the US$15.5 million. Infact until I die
- rather than abuse.
God bless you as you try to discern my contrite
sense of belonging.
Date: 09 Jul 2004, 02:53:26 AM
My dear Saka,
Please do not fret, old boy. We know what you and your
intentions truly represent and we are proud, if I may
say, to be entering into a transaction with you.
Barrymore is putting the finishing touches to the Text
of Application.
Please do bear with us. You will receive everything
you deserve - and more.
Yours ever,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
Barrymore is hard at work in Gooliepully as we speak..
Subject: urgly development
TO:Lady Agatha.
Thanks for your mail in which you have promised that
you are putting the application together.We do not
have much time to delay.
There is a development that I have to inform you
without delay if I mean well for you. I recieved a
mail telling me that you and Joseph are fucking with
me and making money with my correspondences.
All our correspondences are copied to me via this
site.check it out
I was shocked with the insinuations from this
report.Lady Agatha,I mean well for you and feel tied
to you because I had sworn an oath of allegiance to
her majesty.Although the report did not speak well
of your intentions,I must inform you so that I can
still prove a point to you.
Please what are your comments.I do not want trouble
in my life because of money.I have a good family
image and intergrity to protect.I am afraid that
every thing that I correspond with you is known by
this party.
Lady Agatha,Do not feel slighted or insulted,are you
truly fucking me?,are you making money with my
correspondences with you?,I am so concerned because
of my well intended ties with you amid the crisis of
confidence that is prevalent in today's world.I am
confused as to if I will get my own share of the
inheritance money of US$15.5 million when it arrives
the nominated bank account details that you are
working on the application.I need your very urgent
explanations of this ugly developments.
I think it is now very imperative that I speak with
you or else I will not have the confidence to
continue.I love my family and will not want to risk
our unity.call me urgently on 00 229 86 08 24.I AM
Very concerned,
John Saka.
Date: 09 Jul 2004, 09:09:43 AM
Dear Saka,
What is this rudeness?
How dare you use such language!
I am as concerned as you at this leak in our security.
We will mount an internal investigation immediately.
As ever,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
To: herve cthekpo <hervecthekpo8@yahoo.fr>
Date: 09 Jul 2004, 02:52:51 AM
Dear Lady Agatha
re: SAKA'S LAST and APPLICATION TEXT (Quims in indeterminant abeyance, per
In view of this native's rude manner and insinuative tone, am I to assume
that the draft text of application document is no longer required? I would
not want to further waste time on such a foul mouthed brigand, as he now
appears to be.
Sir Marmite has suggested a local dietary deficiency may be to blame for
his outburst and inclines towards charity, but there really is no excuse
for uncouthness, I feel obliged to say.
I will of course abide by your decision.
Obediently yours
My Dear Lady Agatha,
Thank you for your mail. first of all,I am sorry to
have been rude to you in my reaction.They say one's
mind is focused where his treasure is.
My whole future lie in the success or failure of
this scheme.Failure however is not in my agenda.I
have been confident since ever getting your mail to
assiste me.
I am confident of your intergrity in regards to your
official capacity.This is why wasted no time in
swearing of your Oath of allegiance to her majesty,
the Queen Elizabeth 2.
I was greatly disturbed by the mail I receved.I was
shocked, if you were in my position you will
certainly feel threatened.
Finalhy, you must be confident of my allegience.I
cannot betray you against all odds or situation.
This is why I did not reply to the mail and
contacted you immediately with the details.This must
make you keep solid trust in me as I rely greathy in
you for success.
How do we get the transfer achieved without
intruders like this.It is not good for my
security.In that I can be exposed from this leakage.
Lady Agatha please hasten up.
John Saka.
Date: 12 Jul 2004, 03:18:27 AM
My dear Saka,
We will forgive your tribal intemperence on this
occassion but we are not used to people using such
disgraceful terminology. Please do not let it happen
again, or we shall opt for the services of Chief Um
Bongo from Skull Island.
Furthermore, I would respectfully remind you that you
have sold this transaction to us after an unsolicited
I suggest we move quickly while our internal
investigation is carried out. We can fly to the
colonies to meet you.
Where do you suggest we meet?
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
Date: 13 Jul 2004, 02:04:05 AM
My dear Barrymore,
Mr. Saka and The Special Operations Department have
ironed out any differences.
Please continue with the Text of Application. And
double-time, please. We shall be visiting Mr. Saka
As ever,
--- herve cthekpo <hervecthekpo8@yahoo.fr> wrote:
Dear Lady Agatha,
I was glad to hear you briefly on the phone last
nigth,though my gladness was shorthied as you did
not call again and I have been waiting to hear your
The number given to me by Joseph Kucker is fixed to
permanet digital programmed answering systm.
Lady Agatha by now you should have know that aside
my allegiance to the Queen, Ihave also an allegiance
to you personally.I must never betray you for any
This is proven by my complain and revaleation to you
regarding the web site where all our correspondences
was displayed by an intinder who possibly wanted to
talk or convince me into dumping my co-operation
with you and maybe most likely to him.
Lady Agatha, I do not know where is skull island and
do think that what I have with you is not linked or
tied to the chief whom you are contatact with .
More than one party at a time because of the highly
delicate nature of the transaction.I am comitted to
you by Oath of allegiance and do not mind to wait a
while although not to my favour while you finish
with the skull island one.
If you think that I have ofended you in any way and
you cannot forgive it, though.I sincerely think that
i died the right thing by alerting you and raising
concern to the safety of own scheme .Once the money
arrives your nominated bank .
Lady Agatha, the only positive action to indicate
.Our seriousness is to have you send the application
immediately so that the tranfer proper can commence
Best Regards,
John Saka .
We never rang him!!
Cc: Barrymore
Date: 15 Jul 2004, 03:40:07 AM
My dear John (if I may be so bold),
Thank you for your note.
I suggest that we move forward, and wipe the slate
clean, so to speak.
I am delighted to inform you that the scoundrel who
forwarded our correspondence to that website was a
hacker who penetrated our firewalls. We have dealt
with him appropriately, and tightened our security as
a result.
Barrymore, please forward the Application Form as soon
as possible.
As ever,
Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE
Head of Special Operations, Foreign Office, London
more to come?