Hello scamorama and hello all kindly contributors. I'd like to propose you this story : a funny swap of e-mails with 2 lads based in Abidjan: two different lads fighting one against the other, both pretending they are the real Kenneth Pascal., and both trying to steal my money. But the winner, of course, and all of us, scamorama readers.

The whole thing started with a letter in French : The subject was "Economiser ma vie". The words are french but the sentence doesn't mean anything. When I realized that it was a bad translation from English into French (with a free automatic translation software), I had to laugh out loud. There are two words in French standing for to save : 1) sauver, which is used to say to save someone's life. 2) économiser, which is used to say to save money. So save my life got translated into économiser ma vie.

The lads are english speaking. But for a reason I don't know, most of the scam messages I receive are from Côte d'Ivoire, and not Nigeria. At least they pretend they are from Cote d'Ivoire. But they don't speak French although Cote d'Ivoire is a former member of French Western Africa.

versus Good Guy
FRÉDÉRIC AUBERTIN (not his real name)

First message : classical cut-and-paste model letter. Father got poisoned, mother is already dead. On his hospital bed the dying father tells his only son a secret : there's 12,500,000$ in a trunk box in a guess where security company. He wants me to be the keeper of his fortune because he's only 22 (so what ? Isn't that old enough to own money ?). I get 15% of the amount.


To : undisclosed recipient (message spread all over the internet)
Subject : économiser ma vie (economize my life)


Permettez-moi de vous informer de mon désir d'entrée dans un rapport d'affaires avec vous. J'ai obtenu votre votre contact de la chambre de commerce et industrie de Côte d'ivoire. J'ai priée pendant plusieurs jours et après cela j'ai choisi de vous contacter parmis plusieurs autres personnes. Je pense que vous êtes digne de la recommandation de ma prière, donc une personne honorable de confiance avec qui je peux faire des affaires. Ainsi je n'ai aucune hésitation à me fier à vous pour des affaires simples et sincères.

Je suis KENNETH PASCAL le fils unique de mes défunts parents M. et Mme LARENT PASCAL. Mon père était un négociant de cacao et exploitant d'or à Abidjan la capital économique de la Côte d'Ivoire, mon père a été empoisonné à la pénurie par ses associés d'affaires au cours de l'un de leurs voyages d'affaires.

Ma mère est morte quand j'étais tout petit et depuis lors mon père m'a pris en charge. Avant la mort de mon père en novembre 2000 dans un hôpital privé d'Abidjan,

il m'a secrètement appelé à côté de son lit et m'a indiqué qu'il a la somme de douze millions cinq cents mille dollars americains USD ($12,500.000) dans une compagnie de sécurité ici à Abidjan, et qu'il avait utilisé mon nom en tant que son fils et benéficiaire de ces fonds pendant qu'il lès déposait dans cette compagnie de sécurité.

Il m.a également expliqué que c'était en raison de cette richesse qu'il a été empoisonné par ses associés d'affaires. Il à aussi souhaité que je cherche un associé étranger dans un pays de mon choix où je transférerai cet argent et l'emploierai dans des investissements tel que la gestion de biens immobiliers ou la gestion d'hôtels.

Monsieur, je demande honorablement votre aide de la manière suivante: (1) Pour me fournir un compte bancaire sur lequel transférer cet argent. (2) Pour servir de gardien de ces fonds puisque seulement 22 ans. (3) Pour m.aider à immigré dans votre pays avec une attestation de résidence afin que je puisse poursuivre mes études.

Ainsi dit, Monsieur je suis disposé à vous offrir 15% de mon héritage en compensation pour votre effort après le retrait de ces fonds de la sécurité compagnie et son transfert dans votre compte bancaire.

En outre, vous indiquez vos options pour m'aider sachant que pour moi, la foi que cette transaction peut se faire le plus vite possible. J.aimerai avoir votre point de vue sur cette question et cela selon votre disponibilité.

Vous pourrez me joindre dès réception du présent message a mon email.

Merci , et que Dieu vous bénisse.

[For the gist of this in English, see The French Collection.]

My first message, in french. Knowing that he uses translation software, I did a lot of spelling mistakes on purpose in order to make it more difficult for him. In a few words I say : Your proposal is interesting but surprising. Tell me more.



votre message ci dessous m'est parvenu via une des mes adresses de couriel. Tout d'abord je vous presnte mes condoléances pour votre père et je suis de tout coeur avec vous. Votre proposition est certes aléchante mais en meme temps très surprenante. Aussi je vous demanderai de bien vuoloir m'expliquer d'avantage de quoi il s'agit. Dans l'attente de votre réponse, je vous prie d'accepter l'expression de mes cordiales salutations.
Frédéric Aubertin.

Translated into english with altavista's free software you get :

Hello, your message Ci below m'est arrived via one as of the my addresses of couriel. All d'abord I you presnte my condolences for your father and I am of any heart with you. Your proposal is certainly aléchante but in same time very surprising. Also I will ask you to vuoloir m'expliquer d'avantage of what well it s'agit. In l'attente of your answer, I request d'accepter from you l'expression of my cordial greetings.

Hard to understand, isn't it ?

I got his answer on the day after. The guy understood somehow that I was interested and mailed me back this other standard cut-and-paste model letter. It looks like an automatic reply. I know it's a model because I searched the name of the security company on the web and I found this letter. The letter was written directly in a very bad French, not like the first one which was (badly) translated from English into French. None of them were written by him. He just placed his phone number and the name of the company's manager.

Kenneth says I have to contact the security company.


Cher Monsieur Frederick.Aubertin,

Je voudrais vous remercier pour votre mail et d.avoir accepter de m.aider. Je n.est pas grande chose a vous dire maintenant que de vous dire mercie.

Je voudrais vous demandez de lire attentivement mon message et cet email comme cela vous allez mieux comprendre ce dont je vous parle et je prie de faire parvenir votre numero de telephone, fax.

Je voudrais que nous contactons la compagnie de securité directement pour pouvoir recuperer notre collis a tant par votre aide. Depuis que nous communiquons fraichemen il serais preferable pour moi de savoir ce que vous vouliez que je sache sur votre personne et votre compagnie.

Nous avons été informé que la compagnie de sécurité poura nous remettre le collis si nous nous rendons dans leur locaux mais si vous ne pouvez pas venir ici il pourais avoir un arrengement special pour expedier le collis a votre destination sous un transfert diplomatique.

Je souhaiterais que vous contacter la compagnie de sécurité directement

Et le nom de la compagnie de sécurité est: PYRAMID TRUST SECURITY COMPANY et leur email est :

Le directeur de la compagnie est : Rev Dr. Akoto Martin sa ligne directe est +225-0552-4057.

Vous pouvez les contacter et vous leur ferai savoir que vous etes mon partenaire etranger et vous les appelez pour le collis ..

Je voudrais vous remercier une fois de plus d.avoir accepter de m.aider et que Dieu vous benisse.

Je voudrais vous faire savoir que la compagnie de sécurité est une compagnie Anglaise.

Kenneth pascal.

So I did what he asked for and wrote to the security company, in english, because Kenneth told me the company is from England. The physical address I gave is a real one (it's a small building) but nobody named Aubertin lives there. The phone number doesn't exist. Notice that it includes twice the numbers 419.


To : Pyramid Trust Security Company

To whom it may concern,

Dear Madam or Sir,

May I introduce myself. I am Frédéric Aubertin, a french businessman.

Mr Kenneth Pascal asked to help him to retrieve the belongings of his late father Larent (or maybe Laurent) PASCAL. Their Family name is PASCAL.

Please give me the instructions.

Best regards

Frédéric Aubertin

21 rue de la gare
91800 Brunoy.
Tel : +33 1 64 19 41 90

And I forwarded the message to Kenneth. I asked him if he knows English, knowing that the answer would be Yes.


Cher Kenneth,

voici une copie du message que j'ai envoyé à la compagnie de sécurité.

Vous trouverez dans le texte mon numéro de téléphone.

Mon numéro de fax est +33 1 64 19 41 99

j'espère que vous comprenez l'anglais. Votre prénom est anglais d'ailleurs. Le prénom de feu votre père est bien Larent ? Ce n'est pas Laurent plutôt ?

J'attends de leur nouvelles et des votres.



Kenneth's answer. The subject is I "spaek" English better. But that doesn't mean he can write it properly. The e-mail body is in a very bad French. He asks me to come to Côte d'Ivoire. And he tells me the security company doesn't know there's money in the box.



Cher Fredrick Aubertin,

Je vous remerci d'avoir ecrit a la compgnie de sécurité.il n'ya pas de problème tout ce qui reste a faire c'est de venir pour que nous puissonsnous a la compagnie pour recuperer le collis contenant l'argent.

Il ne faut pas faire savoir a la compagnie de sécurité que le collis contient de l'argent car cela a été deposé comme contevant des objets de valeurs de la famille.

Je vous aprends que je comprends l'anglais et j'ecris mieuix l'anglais que le francais si vous voulez ont peut assayer.

Merci et que Dieu vous benisse.


On the same time, I got the answer from the security company. They don't loose time. it's their first message and they already ask for a fee advance. But I don't know if it's 3400 euros or dollars. Those guys are so unprecise.


Attn: Frédéric Aubertin,We acknowledge your application request, we do accept to either ferry your consignment or you come down to this country Cote d' Ivoire in the capital city been Abidjan as may be demanded, but to put all these in action wehave to get the approval from the Federal Ministry of Justice here in Abidjan.Moreover, as soon as you can produce this needed proves by Documents that will back the consignment up, the deliver of yourconsignment will be effected immediately when all the protocols are completed. The security company is ready to attend to you. So you can now call me on the phone number you are havin with you.Following the application by Kenneth Pascal I got to know that you do not have the full documents to claim your fund, this I was able to investigate and got to know that from thefour documents needed you only have two and that is :1.Certificate of agreement2.Deposite Agreement3.The receipt of payment A. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND B.AFFIDAVITE OF CLIAM Must be gotten by you in order to claim your consignment.To get this documents needed from the Federal Ministry of Justice,if you will be coming in person we need to have a scan copy of your drivinglicense or first and second page of your international passport but if you are not coming down to this country a spercial dîplomatic arrangement will be made to ship the consignment to you via Air Cargo but that will be underspercial arrangement.From our inquire we are told that to obtain the two documents which must be sign, seal and the stamp duty one each document will cost euro 1,600 for each and because we need two of such documents that means we will need euro 3,200 and because the change of ownership will be notarize in the Notary office, you are required to pay for the registrationof the documents. we will get two of such document it therefore meansthat we need $3,200 plus $200 for the registration of the documents, the documents must be obtain so that we can effect the transfer of your consignment, immediately we received this documents/the moneyfor the documents we will proceed.You can send the money in my name through Western Union Money Transfer so that I can pick it and order for the Documents.Name : Akoto MartinCity : AbidjanCountry : Cote D' Ivoire I will be waiting for your call.Regards. Akoto Martin

My Answer to Kenneth. We switched to English as he asked me to. I ask him the reason why he's English speaking in a French speaking country.


Alright let's do it in english.

How come you don't speak better french than that ? I thought people speak french in Côte d'Ivoire since your country was part of French western Africa. Anyway. Can you please write me what you wrote here above in english ? I didn't understand one or 2 sentences.

Explain me again what I have to do, in english.

Regarding the security company, they didn't answer me yet.

Best regards


And here's my Answer to the security company. I'm asking a lot of questions to make the guy loose time by inventing the answers. Since they pretend they are based in Cote d'Ivoire I tell them that I suppose they speak French.


To : Pyramid (don't) trust (un)security company

Dear Mr Akoto Martin,

I aknowledge your instructions but there are a few things that you will have to explain me before we go on.

1) Since you are based in Côte d'Ivoire, and since my first langage is french, how about using french instead of english ? Vous parlez français je suppose.
2) As far as I know Abidjan is no more capital of Cote d'Ivoire. It's Yamoussoukro by now. So how come there is a ministry in Adidjan ? I need some explanation please
3) Is there a web site of your company ? I didn't find any. Can you tell me more about Pyramid trust ? Mr Pascal told me it is an english company.
4) You say that I have two documents amongst the four needed. But that's not true, I don't have any documents. Mr Kenneth Pascal didn't send me any.
5) you say I have TWO documents and then you give a list of documents with numbers 1, 2, 3 and then A and B. There must be a mistake somewhere. So I think you'll have to check all this with Mr Pascal. And anyway, WHAT ARE THE FOUR DOCUMENTS you need ?
6) I don't understand AFFIDAVITE OF CLIAM. you mean "of claim" ? And what is "affidavite" in french ?
7) You wrote that I have to pay 3200 euros and then you wrote $3200 plus $200. So is it 3400 euros or 3400 dollars ? One euro is more than 1 dollars worth.
8) regarding the payment : just your name and city ? Is that enough ?
9) I need to have a bill or something like that, so I can understand why I have to pay 3400 $ or euros.

I don't know yet if I will come to Ivory Coast. But there's maybe an opportunity. I have planned a business trip to Nigeria (Lagos) and maybe I will able to come to Abidjan. Due to the situation in cote d'ivoire and due to the insecurity in Lagos, I think I will have to hire bodygards with weapons. Can you tell me more about it ?

I await your answers.

best regardsFrédérick Aubertin

The so to say director answers me in a bad french. he's so ignorant that he translated the name of the company "Pyramid Trust Security Company" into French. As you know, one shouldn't translate a company name ! I hope he lost time finding out the words in a dictionary.

Answer to question 1 is : Yes Yamoussoukro is the new capital but the governments buildings are not yet built in the new capital ( maybe true).
Answer to question 2 is : yes we are an English company (in Cote d'Ivoire ? How unsual).
Answer to question 3 is : we have a web site but we have difficulties to the political situation (my eye !!)
Answer to questions 4 and 5 is : we need 2 documents from you : A. and B. (you don't need anything but my money)
And he says I have to pay 3400 euros.
The signature is : Rev. Dr Akoto Martin. What does Rev mean ? Is he a reverent or what ?


From : Pyramid (don't) Trust Security Company
De la part du Directeur de Pyramide Trust Securite compagnie
Cote _Divoire
Rev. Docteur Akoto Martin.

A l'attention de Monsieur Frederick Aubertin.

Nous accusons reception de votre message d'huier dans notre compagnie. vous etes interessé de savoir certaines clarifications et nous allons directement en tant que compagnie Anglaise nous croyons au travail fait directement avec nos clients.

Parlant de la capital qui est Yamoussoukro vous avez bien raisons mais ce que je veux vous faire savoir est que tous les ministères et les institutions sont encore a Abidjan et c'est maintenant que l'Etat est entrain de construire les infrasttuctures a Yamoussoukro cela prouve que vous etes bien informé sur ce pays.

Notre compagnie de sécurité est birling etvous repondons en francais a votre demande pour vous permettre de mieux nous comprendre.

Nous avons un Web mais a cause des problèmes sociaux politique nous avons quelques problèmes a ce niveau.

Nous vous informons qu'il n' y a pas de confusion consernant les documents voici les quatre documents dont nous avons besoin. plus le reçu du paiement:

1.Certificate of agreement

2.Deposite Agreement3.The receipt of paymentLes numeros 1,2 et 3 ont été dejà remis a la compagnie par Monsieur Pascal.Les documents que nous voulons de vous sont les numéros A et B ci_dessous. A. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND
B.AFFIDAVITE OF CLIAM A).Un Certifat de transfert de nom de Monsieur Pascal en votre nom ce qui fait de vous le nouveau benéficiaire légal et celui qui est la personne qui pourra récupérer l'argnent qui est le partenaire de Monsieur Pascal.

B) Le testament qui est lecertificat d'Héredité.Nous avons besoin de ce tesment car l'argent a trop duré dans notre compagnie et nous voulons ce document pour vous permettre de le rcuperer.

Affidavite of Cliam cest le certificat D'Héredité fait a la justice qui fait de vous le beneficiaire légal.

Ces deux derniers documents sont les raisons pour lesquelles le directeur de la compagnie Barrister Davis I ke vous a demandé de payer la somme de . 3,200 Euros plus pour l'enregistrement du document au ministère de la justice . 200Euros.

Le total qui fait . 3,400 Euros c'est ce que vous devez payer au directeur de la compagnie de sécurité par Western Union Money Transfert Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire.Le nom et l'adresse sont suffisant pour expédier l'argent.

Nous croyons vous avoir satisfait par ces informations

Veuillez recevoir Monsieur Federick l'expression de nos sincères salutations.

Le Directeur: Rev Dr Akoto Martin.

I responded him in a sophisticated French to make it difficult for him to understand. Instead "French" I wrote .the language for Molière. ( famous French drama actor and writer ). I tell him that his French seems to be copied from English and ask him if he comes from Nigeria or Ghana. I tell him 3400 euros is too much to obtain documents and that I would find it more logical to pay 500 euros


To : Pyramid Trust

Cher Dr Akoto,

A ce que je vois vous ma”trisez également la langue de Molière, le contraire m'eut étonné dans la mesure où vous vivez dans un pays d'expression française. Néanmoins je constate que certaines de vos tournures de phrases semblent des calques de l'anglais, ce qui me laisse penser que vous êtes plutôt d'expression anglaise. J'en suis étonné mais je me dis que après tout en tant de filiale d'une société anglaise vous êtes vous même sans doute anglophone. Avez-vous des origines du Nigeria ou du Ghana ? Excusez-moi ma curiosité mais tous ces aspects m'intéressent.

Avant de vous faire parvenir l'argent j'aurai voulu quelques éclaircissements. Cette somme de 200 euros pour enregistrement de dossier semble excessive. Ici en Europe on ne demande pas autant comme frais administratifs. D'autre part 1600 euros pour obtenir un document est cher aussi. Pouvez-vous m'expliquez plus en détail de quoi il retourne ?

Je suis prêt à payer une somme avoisinnant les 500 euros pour des frais de dossiers et autres, cela me semble plus logique.

D'autre part ces documents sont fournis par le gouvernement ivoirien et je crois savoir que la langue officielle est le français. Quel est le nom français de ces documents ?

Dans l'attente de vos réponses, veuillez recevoir l'expression de mes sentiments distingués

Frédéric Aubertin

In the meantime Kenneth writes me back. He admits he's English speaking. But his explanation doesn't make sense : why would have his father sent him to another country during his childhood ? Cote d'Ivoire was a safe country and a good place to stay before this little civil war which began more than a year ago. Being English speaking doesn't keep Kenneth to make big errors (traying instead of trying).


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I thank you for given me opportunity to start mailing you in english which is where I was brought up and trained in English speaking coountry.

All I was traying to say in my last mail which I wrote in french was that We should try and do things things together apart from arranging the document we will need to inform the security company that we are ready to come and recieves the consignment here in this country and that we are expected to pay for the dumurage and collect our consignment so that I will go back with you to your country and never will come back again to Africa because nothing good works very well here.
Please let me know your stand because we need to act very fast for you know my condition right now that I do not have money on me.

Thanks and God bless.


I answer him right away. it's time to have some action ! So I tell him that I don't trust this security company.

And telling him that happened to a VERY VERY GOOD idea. You'll see why.


Dear Kenneth,
You say you want to come to my country but it is as simple as you seem to think. You need a visa to come to France. If you want to come you should go to the french embassy and ask a visa. Or maybe come as a refugee ? I don't know, it's difficult. Have you got some evidences that your life is in danger in Côte d'Ivoire ? Maybe if you could proove that you belong to an threatened ethnical group.

Back to our business. The security company asked me to pay 3400 euros. I've told them that I think it is too much. It's not that I don't want or I cannot pay. It's only that I think one should pay less for two officials documents. Here in France one never pays so much to get documents. The security company told me I should make some arrangments with you. But I don't want you to pay the difference. So I will ask the company to send some proof that this price is really the price to pay. What I think is that they want to keep some money for them. That's why I'm careful with them. Another think : what if they opened your boxes and took some money ? I don't trust these guys. Their company doesn't even have a web site. Are they serious ? I fear they have stolen your money. What do you think ?

Please don't talk about all this to them.

All the best to you.


Now back to la pyramide trust compagnie sécurité. He says he's from Ghana and it's the reason why he's english speaking. He says I have to pay 3400 euros and if I don't want to pay that much I have to come to an arrangement with Kenneth. He expects me to come to Abidjan.



Nous avons reçu votre email et nous vous apportons toutes les clarification nécéssaires.

Je sui uncitoyen Ghanéen mais je travail avec une compagnie Anglaise ici à Abidjan appélé Pyramide Trust Sécurity et vous devez savoir par mon nom que je suis originaire du Ghana.

Je voudrais que vous sachiez que les documents dont nous parlons sont authentiques et rendent la transaction légal vis à vis des autorités c'est des documents qui sont très difficiles a avoir ce qui fait le cout que nous vous avons commununiqué.

L'argent que vous deveze faire venir c'est pour pouvoir obtenir ces documents mais si vous trouvez que c'est 500 Euro que vous pouvez payer faites le savoir à votre partenaire mais nous vous disons que c'est inssufisant pour obtenir les documents doncfaite le savoir a votrev partenaire pour que vous vous entendez sur le montant à payer.

Je veux savoir quand vous viendrai dans notre compagnie pour reccupérer votre collis car nous voulons le savoir.

Le document dont vous voudreiz savoir en français c'est le TESTAMENT et c'est de cela que nous avons besoin pour que nous vous remettons le collis.

Veulez agreér Monsieur Frederick l'expression de nos sentiments respectués.

Rev Dr Akoto Martin.

I tell him I understand now why he speaks better English than French. Again I tell him 3400 euros is too much and I want to know why I have to pay so much. I tell him also that I will come to Abidjan on the 15th of june.


To : Pyramid Trust Sec. Co

Cher Mr Akoto,

maintenant je comprends pourquoi vous parlez mieux l'anglais que le français. Je vous propose la chose suivante : moi je vous écris en français et vous, vous me répondez en anglais car je le comprends très bien.

La raison pour laquelle j'hésite à payer 3400 euros et que je comprends absolument pas pourquoi l'obtention de deux documents officiels revient si chère. Aussi je vous demanderai de bien vouloir m'envoyer une copie d'une documentation qui explique les différents tarifs pratiqués par l'administration du gouvernement ivoirien. Où peut-être y-a-t'il un website du ministère de la justice qui explique tout cela ? Comment avez-vous calculé cette somme ? A moins qu'une partie de cet argent vous revient, pour vos propre frais. Et si ça se trouve vous aurez à graisser la patte de certains intermédiaires. Tout cela je le conçois mais de grace, donnez-moi une explication s'il vous pla”t.

Je serai à Abidjan vers le 15 juin. Je vous communiquerai la date exacte ultérieurement.

Dans l'attente de votre réponse, veuillez recevoir mes salutations.

Frédérick Aubertin

Back to Kenneth. he's full of joy, love and happiness. I'm glad for him.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

With great joy, love and happiness I mail you this morning because after reading your mail I became confused and had to go first to my late father's lawyer who is so old now to find out the truth and after gotting the truth I went traight to the security company to see if what he said is true please listen to me because I am telling you the truth for the security company are security company and can not open some box at your back, they can only inspect the consignment only when you bring it in into that first day after that they seal it with your code and key of which nobody will be entitiled to open because they do not know that cash is in it please do not let us talk about this and you will see every thing my your self because with out you and me no body can even collect it because I am the next of kin and now you are my partner that is why the security company advice that we arrange those document as evidence that we claim the consignment.

You see in this country nobody plays with government officails and any thing that will bring a company down will not be tolorated, I gone to see what my father lawyer told me and the mark of the seal is still there so it has not been touch and my money is still intac.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THEY SECURITY COMPANY DID NOT KNOW UP TILL NOW THAT IT IS CASH THAT IS IN THE BOX , but if they know then what you said can be suspected to has happaned but it has not.

Please help me for I have seen that the money is there and we will to do what the security company has ask us to do. There are very reliable and efficent that is the news I got here in this country.

The money is for ministry of justice not for the security company so that when we collect our consignment and take it to your country no tax or any problem will arise,we will have a safe trip.

Please we will have to talk today so that you will know and send the money because every thing the security cmpany is saying is the truth I am saying it with all my heath.

My telephone number is + 225-0566-2369. please try and call me and do help me for the money is still there and nobody has touch the box, infact the security company has no time for any body because there are dealing with somany people called clients.

I am too sure that when you come here you will see things fore your self please help me now for I can die if you say you will not help me.

I am asking GOD to bless you as you are helping me come back to life.

I will be going to the security company so that I can ask the director to help me call you so that we can speak because I do not have money for now to call you.


Kenneth once again. He tried to reach me through this number. But I had told him it was my fax number. Anyway neither the phone number nor the fax number exist


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

Thanks once again for I just tried calling you and the number was not going through and here is the number I tried +33-164194199.

Please correct and send back.


In the meantime the security company sends me this message. They insist I have to pay 3400 euros.

it's a very important message. it's from the desk of the director. I'm impressed.



We acknowledge your last mail to us yesterday and a very follow up of Kenneth who was with me today to investicate and inspect the consignment which I showned to him that since it was deposited nobody has touched it and that we are maiking good arrangement to well come you because you are coming for the main purpose of singing , clearing and collecting your consignment.

For the documents please note that I have no hand in it and my company does not arrange documents for any body, but I got involed and directed the head of the legal department to get it done for you because of the high prefrence and relationship we have for his late father.Please I repeat do not spoil our good name for we have nothing to do with your documents or your money, I therefors surgest to you to please go out side and do your document your self or your partner and submit to us what I am interested in doing is to see the document then you can claim your consignment feely.

Please do not ask me for any thing concerning the document for the case is closed if you are still dealing with the head of the legal department please do not let me know about it again.

Let me tell you that the reason why I am helping in this matter is because kenneth late father was a very good clent to this company and this is not the first time he has been depositing things with this company.

What I am interested in now is when you are coming to collect your consignment but we need to see those document.

By the way I want you to know that such documents are higly classify bank/security document and are very expensive her because have to go through the federal ministries both for justice and finance and some payment will even been made to in land revenure ministry so you can see that DAVIS IKE who is the legal deaprtment head is trying to help you and nothing more because kenneth father is loved by all our staff and no body can cheat him not even when I am here as the director.

My final advice is that you should pay for the documents and collect it for according to davis ike it has been done already.

All I am assuring you now is that when you come down you will know we are very good and nice people to deal with.


Rev. Dr. Akoto Martin.

Kenneth pretends that he realized that his uncle ( by the way, he has an uncle, coming out of the blue), the lawyer of his late father ( never trust a lawyer) and the security company are trying to rob him. I admit I had to laugh out loud. Thank you Kenneth for giving me the opportunity to make this story so amusing.

KENNETH PASCAL - but wait, with a new address :

Dear Frederick Aubertin,

Please stop further commuincations with that security company and thanks for the informations that called back my mind.

The lawyer and my uncle are trying to rob me this money and i have contacted another lawyer to assist us and somebody i can trust.

With the help of the lawyer, i have moved the box to another security company, telling them that you asked me to do so as the beneficiary and foreign partner of my late father.

I have changed my email address so you SHOULD STOP CONTACTING ME WITH THE OLD EMAIL and this is my new email and my new telephone number which they are not aware of 0022505665985 and you should not let them know because my life is in danger here now.

Don't pay any money to anybody because they wanted to use you as the foreign partner/beneficiary of my late father to claim the money and then probably kill me.

This is the web site of the security company where the box is as of now, please contact them, their contact is in the web site and introduce your self as my late father's foreign partner/beneficiary of the deposit with them.

All we need is to perfect the documents in your name as the foreign partner/beneficiary of my late father which will not cost us more than 1550 euro and once we get the documents in your name, with the help of the security company as i discussed with them will transfer the box through diplomatic means to you in France. Please send the money with my name so that i will go to the lawyer myself to pay the money for the documents including the change of beneficiary.

Bear in mind that once you stop commuincating them they will write you all kinds of mail to convince you but whatever you are doing with them after this warning is at your own risk.

Await your urgent response.

Thanks and God bless.


NOW it's GETTING REALLY FUNNY !! See what I answered.
I sent him the message to his old address (not on purpose).
Realizing my mistake, I forwarded the same message to "Kenneth2000", his new address.


To : Kenneth31 ( Fwd to Kenneth2000)

Oh my god Kenneth something terrible happened !! I ALREADY SENT THE MONEY to those thieves Pyramid Trust. Oh good lord what are we going to do now ? I am terribly sorry, how stupid I was. You know, I sent the money because I said to myself even if those guys keep one or two thousand euros for them, it wouldn't have mattered so long as they get for us the needed documents. I said to myself nevermind if they steal a few money from me because it was nothing compared to the money that is in the trunk box. But now that I they don't work for you anymore they will probably keep the money for them and tell you they didn't get anything ! Oh my dear Kenneth you must be so mad at me, please forgive me.

You know what, I'm going to write to Pyramid Trust right away and ask them to give you back the money I sent elsehow I send the police to them.

And if this doesn't work I will go see them when I'll be in Adijan on the 15th of june. Of course I will have to come with armed bodyguards to get back the money. Do you think 3 strong guys is enough ?

Once again I am terribly sorry for what happened. Please answer me as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully


And just after this, I wrote to the security company to ASK them TO GIVE ME THE MONEY BACK or I come to see you with my big and strong friends.


To : Pyramid Trust Company

Mr Akoto,

As you know Mr Kenneth didn't trust you anymore and removed his boxes from your company. Unfortunately I have already sent the 3400 euros to you via Western Union.

I will ask you to give this money back to Mr Kenneth Pascal.

Don't pretend you didn't receive the money because I went back to the Western Union office this morning and they told me the money has already been sent and that I cannot get it back. So you will have to give the money to Mr Pascal.

You know that I will come to Adidjan on the 15th of june. If you don't do right away what I tell you to do, I will have to come to your company with strong armed bodyguards and get the money by myself.

So please cooperate, in your own interest.

Best regards

Frédéric Aubertin

Kenneth's reaction (writing from his new address). I didn't expect this. I don't know what he has in mind. But You'll see what comes afterwards. it's so surprising and funny that I was miles away to foresee that.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,
I don't understand what you are saying because i told you so whatever you are doing with them is at your own risk.

Bye for now,

Best regards,


Kenneth seems mad at me. So I beg him to forgive me.


To : Kenneth2000

Dear Kenneth

I knew you would be mad after me. But I sent the money to Pyramid Trust BEFORE I got your message with your warnings. So I didn't know by the moment I sent the money that those people where thieves. You have to forgive me.

Is there a chance we get the money back ? What are we going to do now ?

Do you want to send to you the 1550 euros you asked ?

I await your response.

All the best



Kenneth writes me again with his old address telling me the money is still with Pyramid Trust and that the message I got from Kenneth2000 (explaining the box was transferred to another company) WAS SENT BY A GUY PRETENDING he's KENNETH. And that HE is the REAL Kenneth.



Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I did got your mail today and was full of surprises because some imposters went into my mail box and wrote you and wanted to get involve by collecting the money so that they will disappear and this are the same people that killed my late father please DO NOT BELIEVE THEM AND DO NOT MAIL THEM BACK FOR I WAS NOT THE PERSON WHO WROTE YOU THAT MAIL , please believe me for it is my own money, can you believe that since I have been mailing you in this box no body entered into it untill that saturday because they want to diceave us and collect the money.



How can you expect the consignment to be moved over night with you and me concent and you and me have been dealing every day why did you and me not know when I mailed you last on sturday we where tailking about money for the document which you ask me some question and I replied you asking you to deal directly with pyramid trust security company.

Listen to me both the director of security company Rev Dr . Akoto Martin and the head of the legal department Davis Ike are very good people so I have gone to beg them that there was a mistake and you did not mean it so you will write to them to appologise to them because our money is still with them.




Please note that the money you sent to pyramid trust security company is correct and do not change it.
You can send me the details of the money you sent to the security company today.
I will be calling you today with the director of pyramid trust company .
Kenneth Pascal.please when I call you do ask me of the new code if I do not tell you please drop your phone and no it is not me.

Kenneth 31 gets anxious and writes me again. He wants the money that he thinks I have sent (3400 euros : more than what the HONEST African guys earn in one year).


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am not happy with you because up till now I am still waiting to hear from you what is happening please do not believe the new things happening to us now for they are trying to get involve with our consignment, believe me for what I am doing with you has not change why all over night some body want to play on our own inteligent when we are still working together.

Please do not reply to the new email given to you since on saturday both the one that says it me and that of Assistance.

I ask you to please give me the details of the money of the money you sent.


Do have a nice night while still expecting to hear from you.

Kenneth code is KENFRED2020.

AND NOW it's GETTING REALLY EXCITING : KENNETH 2000 IS STILL THERE ! LOOKS LIKE THERE IS R E A L L Y TWO LADS pretending they are both KENNETH and and I can't believe it ! They are FIGHTING ONE AGAINST THE OTHER to get my money !!!


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I still remain to tell you to STOP communicating me again in they have tampered with the email box but always contact me only on this particular email for security reasons.

I as well WARND you not to give anybody my new telephone number, now they are calling me triatening to kill me.

Please stop commmuincating this people, live the money you have sent to them i will pay you back once we withdraw this box and send the 1550 Euro immediately with my name so that the lawyer will conclude on the documents and change of beneficiary in your name as the foreign partner of my late father and move the consignment immediately to you in France.

On receipt of the box, you will send me money to conclude on my papers to join you in France before they lay their hands on me.

REPEAT, whatever i am discussing with you please don't let them know for my life or i will STOP the transaction with you.

Await your immediate response on receipt.


Kenneth2000 writes me again one hour after. He sends a picture of the box with the cash to prove that HE is the real Kenneth and that I should send him the 1550 euros he asked for ( notice that he charges less than Kenneth31)

The picture is available in the web. I found it easily by typing .scam money. in google/pictures search tool.

[Or see Show me the money]


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

Attached is the CASH MONEY PHOTO before my late father deposited it in the security company.

Send the money tomorrow for me to conclude on the documents and STOP giving any informations and STOP writing me mails from the old email address.

Let us be using this code CASH MONEY PHOTO anytime i call you for you to know that it is me that is calling and STOP ANSWERING their calls, please reconfirm your telephone number for me because i have tried to call you on several occaission but it wasn't going through.

Bye for now.

Best regards,


Well well well. My dear Kenneth(s), how many ever you are, one or two, you must admit that I have to seat back and think now.

WHO IS THE REAL KENNETH ? That is the question.

So first of all my answer to Kenneth number one


To : Kenneth31

Dear Kenneth

don't worry I'm still there. But I am a little confused now. I have to think...

be patient

you'll hear from me soon

your friend


And my answer to Kenneth2000.


To : Kenneth2000

Dear Kenneth
you must admit I am a bit confused now. The "other" Kenneth has written me to tell me that YOU are an imposter. What do I have to think now ? I went to Western Union today. They told me that I can cancel my money transfer in so far that I hadn't give the password to anyone. I haven't given the details of the transfer and the password to these Pyramid Trust company and to his false Kenneth, so I suppose I think I will cancel the transfer. I would like to send you the 1550 euros but how can I be sure that YOU are the REAL Kenneth ? On the other hand, you sent me a picture of the money. This is a good proof. But aren't the box supposed to be closed with a seal ? How did you open it ?

I await your answer.


let's tell Kenneth31 (the "original" one) that I will cancel the money transfer in order to make him VERY VERY ANGRY. Think of it : he was about to receive 3400 euros and because of this other Kenneth he has to start from the beginning. Here we go :


To : Kenneth31

Look Kenneth, don't be mad at me but there are now 2 guys pretending they are both Kenneth Pascal. So I went back to the Western Union office and They told me that I can cancel the money transfert I made because nobody went to widthraw the money. It's normal since I haven't give the details and the password to Mr Okoto.

If you can prove me anyhow that you are the real Kenneth I can even send you 5000 euros if you want. Since I will get millions of dollars it's worth it !!

This other guy you call imposter has sent me a picture of the box with the money inside. Now what do you think of that ?

I await your response. Give me a proof that YOU are Kenneth.



Well he doesn't seem so angry. Maybe he is. But he has to remain calm and polite to get his money. Looks like HE is the real Kenneth.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

For me to prove to you that I am the real kenneth you have been dealing with and because I have change the password of this mail box so I am the only one who has access to it now so that no body will deceave you or me any more, and I will want you to still ask the fake kenneth if he can provide all our corresponding between you and me so far.

Just follow me as I and you have been mailing each other from here now you will know the truth.
We started communication to each other on wednesday 12 of may 2004. when I sent you this below mail and you responded.

(below : a cut-and-paste of the e-mails we exchanged before)


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

Thank you once again for mailing me back and given me opportunity to prove my self to you and I decided that the only way is that I start from when started in forwarding you all our correspondings and I thank God that I have been able to do so please do not be offended for I did not do all that is it possible to change a winning team because you and me are already getting along very well my joy is that you are coming and you will see things for your self.
You wrote the Pyramid trust security company and told them all those story and yet they did not collect your money because you call them thieves but they maintain a very high professional quality by not collecting the money you went to the western union and you where told that no body collected the money, we thank God for that because if it where those Assistance group they would have collected the money because they just come one day and want to collect that money and disappear that is why they where given you all the things you did not ask for because we are still in the document stage and once you send the money and we get through the document stage then we will start making arrangement for your coming and booking of hotel and all other logistics.
Why I am saying all this is that we have to continue so you will do for me this two things.
A. MAIL the pyramid trust security company and appologised to them for I have explained to them why you wrote that mail to them out of annouyance but they have understand.
B. SEND the money againg like you promised because these things has to be done and do make sure you send me the control numbers as well as sending to the security company.
Please let us start talking so that you will know my voice once and for all.

Why are your phone not going through 33-164194199.
I am your partner.

My answer. let's try this : I tell him that I don't want to send the money and that I will bring it with me on my journey to Abidjan.

I tell him that I will bring 5000 euros. What will he choose ? 3400 euros right away with Western Union or rob me when I come to see him ?


To : Kenneth31

Dear Ken
It is obvious now that you are the one and only Kenneth Pascal. I will write right away to Pyramid Trust to apologize and explain why I acted this way. You are right, the people at Pyramid Trust are very serious and honest people because they didn't go to Western Union to collect the money. May God be thankful to them. It is hard to find honest people nowadays. There are so many swindlers everywhere.
I have an idea. Since there is a risk that someone else than you or Mr Akoto collect the money I will send, how about bringing the money with me in Adidjan ? what do you think of that ? And I could bring more money in order to make things easier, in case there are more fees to pay. Should I bring 5000 euros, or even more ? How much should I bring ?
By the way I told you before (or did I tell "Kenneth2000" ?) 33164194199 is my FAX number. My phone number is 33164194199. 33 stands for France. You have to dial the code for international phone calls before.
Please answer me quickly
Friendly yours

And my excuse letter to Pyramid.


Dear Dr Akoto Martin.
I am writing you this letter because I have to apologize for my behaviour. As you probably know, some person pretending she or he was Kenneth Pascal, wrote me to tell me that you were thieves and you were trying to rob Mr Pascal.
Please forgive me.
I am at this very moment making the arrangements with Mr Pascal. As soon as I get an answer I'll come back to you.
Best regards
F. Aubertin

Oh my god The OTHER Kenneth is still there and he writes me again !


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

Don't be confused for any reason, but if you wish to do anything with them, all i need to remind you is that i warned you.

The picture was taken buy my late father before he deposited the box with the security company and of course it was sealed before he took it to the security company. It wasn't me that took the picture rather it was my late father.

The trunk is sealed and the security company does not know that the content is money but it was deposited as farmily treasure just for my own security here.

Send the money today and stop answering them, remember that i told you that they will be sending you all kinds of mail in other to make you believe them.

Reconfirm your number so that i will call you and remember our code before talking cos nobody knows this code.

Please send the money so that i will conclude about the documents by tomorrow and send you the hard copies by DHL and to make sure that the consignment lives here to France by this week.

Await the informations of the Western Union by mail later today.


Best regards,


My answer to Ken 2000. I'm wondering how he will collect the money if he's not Kenneth Pascal. don't they ask for a id card at Western Union ?


To : Kenneth 2000

Dear Kenneth

To whom should I send the money ? "Kenneth Pascal" ? How much is it ? You were talking of 1550 euros as far I remember.


Before I get Ken2000's answer, Kenneth 31writes me again. He says we have things in common. Well, that's what HE thinks !

He asks me again for the money


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

Reading from your mail this afternoon I finally re-confirmed that you are my real and true partner who listen to things happening around him that makes the two of us having some thing in common because you acted while I responded quickly ans we did not loose any money so far.

Please I beg you for the sake of things that we have been doing with the security company and things we will do more it is better we play very safe for our money is still with them please send the money to them for it is for a very vital document that must be collected immediately before you come down knowing fully well that the document is ready with the Federal ministry of justice so please do not wait any more time so that when you come they will be very nice,good and friendly as they have been doing before.

Please I beg you again so that they will believe that you actually sent that money yesterday, since you have made up your mind to send me the money please do so,so that I can take care of all that needs to be done before you come you down.

I will be expecting your positive reply soon.

Your own.

Kenneth ( KENFRED2020).

Kenneth 2000's answer to my question : "to whom should I send the money ?"


Dear Fredrick Aubertin,
Send the money 1550 euros with my name Kenneth Pascal and i will go by myself to give it to the lawyer for the change of beneficiary by the same tomorrow i will receive it.
As well send the control number informations by mail in this same box to me.
Awaiting for the Western Union informations.
Best regards, CASH MONEY PHOTO.

I ask Kenneth2000 for more evidences


To : Kenneth2000

Hello Kenneth
what do you mean with control number informations ?
Before I send the money I would like to see a scan of your id. card or password with your name on it.
The "other" Kenneth keeps writing me also.
In order for me to know if you are the real Kenneth Pascal, tell me your story please.
How much money is there in the trunk box ? How much do I get ?
As far as I remember you were talking about 25%.
I await your answer.

On the same time I inform Kenneth 31 that the other Kenneth keeps on writing me. And I ask him again what he thinks of my idea to bring the money instead of transferring it ?


To : Kenneth 31

Hello Kenneth

This guy Kenneth2000, that you call imposter, wrote me again. He asked to send the money to him ="Kenneth Pascal=". Won't they ask for an identity document at Western Union when he'll get there to collect the money ? If yes, it would mean that this guy's name is really Kenneth Pascal. Can you explain me please ? And the other hand you ask me to send the fee to Pyramid Trust, Mr Akoto. And not to you, in your name.

Who Am I supposed to believe now ?

Another thing : I told I would come to Adidjan in 20 days. What if I bring the money with me ? Don't you think it's a good idea ?

In the meantime, Kenneth2000 sends me the evidences I asked for : story of his father and a scan of his Id card. I had to laugh when I saw this fake. This stupid Mugu forgot to turn the Sex .F. into a .M.. And he forgot also to replace the name of the original holder, Gladys Koffi, on the bottom section.


Dear Fredrick Aubertin, My father was a cocoa marchant here and my mother died earlier when i was small since that time my father took me so special, so on one of his business trips he was poisoned by his business associates but before his death he called me and told me about a deposit he made with a security company here in Cote D' Ivoire and gave me the documents as well made me to understand that it is because of this money that his associates poisned he so i should look for trust worthy person to assist me in moving the money from here to abroad.

Dear Fredrick, I ask for your assistance honourably in the following ways: (1) to provide me a bank account on which to transfer this money. (2) to be used as guard of these funds since I am only 24 years old. (3) to help me with immigrant in your country with a certificate of residence so that I can continue my studies. Thus known as, Mister I am been willing to offer to you 15% of my heritage in compensation for your effort after the withdrawal of these funds of safety company and his transfer in your bank account. Moreover, you indicate your options to help me knowing that for me, I have the faith which this transaction can be made as quickly as possible. I will like to have your point of view on this question and that according to your availability. You will be able to join to me as of reception of this message has my email. Thank you, and that God blesses you. KENNETH PASCAL.

What i mean by control number informations is the Western Union informations which i will use to go and collect the money to settle for the documents which i will send to you through DHL.

Please sir once you get the documents keep it very safe and the total amount in the box is $12,500,000 USD.

Awaiting for the payment informations.

Best regards,


For now on, I cannot pretend anymore that I trust him.


To : Kenneth2000

I looked at the scan of your id card : it says you are a girl (Sexe F ). And on the bottom of your card it's written KOFFI GLADYS. Are you a woman or a man Kenneth-Gladys ? Or both ?

Kenneth 31 again. He realizes he has to write me a long letter to convince me. Must take at least an hour to write such a letter. Exactly what's it's all about : make the lads lose their time.
As expected he insists I have to send the money. Apparently he wants to take the 3400 euros and vanish.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I thank you for this your mail and I do not like the way you are following things, was it not me that contacted you in the first place and I have been able to proved that to you just yesterday and you do agreed with me, why are you changing now when you know that he is the fake kenneth pascal he does not have those evidences that I gave to you because he is an "IMPOSTER" and you know that.

I have ask you not to give any reply to him again so what you will do now to safe gauid what we are doing you will open a new email today do it very fast and send to me so that you will disregard this your box for now or you carry any good thing for you to the new box so that he will not be able to reach you any more because he is trying to collect money from us. CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT HUST TWO DAYS OF MAILING YOU HE IS ASKING THAT YOU SEND THE MONEY TO HIM NOT EVEN TO THE LAWYER ARRANGING THE DOCUMENT. IF YOU WANT ME TO BE HAPPY WITH YOU YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY YOU SHOULD DO.

I know you are coming down but this money is for some document if you do not send the money to the lawyer today there might be problem between me and him because the ministry of justice will invite the lawyer for questioning why he has not collected the document that he did by him self by so doing they might read the document and your name andmy own are there as partners and you know that we are doing all this under hiding so that people will not know that I am about to claim my consignment.

You and I already have a code then why are you been disturbed by some body that wants to collect our money and disappear.

I have told you many times that the telephone number you gave to me is not working but you do not want to say any thing about that or give me another phone number or you do not trust me any more let me know because I am going to share this money with you when we collect it and you and I will invest together in your country. Why I do not want you to send the money to me is that so that the money will get the person that is doing document for us not even the security director that was why the director refused to give directives that we should collect the money when you sent it and that was why you got the money back and now we have to move to conclude what we started . YOU ARE GOING TO SEND THE MONEY TODAY IN THE LAWYERS NAME NOT PYRAMID COMPANY BUT TO THE HEAD OF LEGAL DEPARTMENT BY NAME DAVIS IKE ABIDJAN COTE D' IVOIRE.
Please note that I am tired of telling you one thing and if you do not want to re-send the money you tell me and stop given reasons because the document must be collected today or tomorrow unfaillenly when you sent the money otherwise,we will start having problem with the security company and I do not want that because you have called then thieves already and names and yet they still believe is you and me that we are the owner of the consignment with them, so I ASK AND BEG YOU to send the money immediately and wast no time about it before the security company start to treat us any how and will not even be happy to attend to us when you come down.

Mail me back immediately and do not ever reply the fake person againg please do all the things I now ask you to do for it is for our won safty.

Find a working telephone where I can reach you so that you will know my voice once and for all.

Try and send the control number of the money you will send directly to pyramid trust security company and ttention BARRISTER DAVIS IKE LEGAL DEPARTMENT.

Please comply with this my directives so that our own consignment will not be in problem of verifying and investigation from the ministry been the GOVERNMENT.


Bye for now and hope to hear from you now.


Finally I have to admit HE is the good guy, and that the other Kenneth is an imposter.
I ask him to send me a scan of his id card, to see if he knows better than Kenneth2000 how to make a fake picture.


To : Kenneth 31

Dear Kenneth
Ok I believe you. The imposter sent me a scan of his Id card but I could tell right away it was a fake since the card says SEXEF which means he's a woman ( on the photo he looks like a boy). And he forget to replace the name of the real holder, Gladys Koffi, on the bottom part of the card. So this guy is really stupid. He thinks people are as stupid as the are and that they would believe anything. But somehow he's aware of your story with the poisoning of your father and so on. How HE got the info I don't know. Well maybe he's not that stupid. Anyway let's forget this cheater.
Ok I will send the money to Mr Davis Ike.
So I can be really 100% sure.
As soon as I get this document I go to Western Union.
All the Best

Kenneth 2000's answer to my question : are you a woman ? I thought he would give up. But on the contrary, he has the nerve to keep on writing me. I can't imagine he's still hoping to get my money.


Dear Fedrick Aubertin,

The sex is M and not F and the koffi Gladys is the name of the person that sealed the card and that is the card i have been using till now, i even have it with me here as i am writing this mail to you. I can send it again and again to you on request.

Please try to send the money tomorrow so that we can go to another step of the transaction ie getting the documents required.

Await your urgent response on receipt.

Best regards, CASH MONEY PHOTO.


My answer. I'm getting harsh, no hello, no goodbye. I ask him to send me another scan, so I can laugh again.


To : Kenneth 2000

What do you mean it's M ? I see an F. Are you saying my sight is bad ?

Send me a better scan so I can see better.

Can you tell me again what are the documents required ?

My name is not Fedrick, it's Frederick

Now back to the .good. Ken. He sends a scan of his passport. I must admit this one looks real. But it's not. He overwrote his name and the other infos concerning him with photoshop or paintshop (or some similar software).


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am very very happy that you finally discovered the truth by your self because I know that my God will not just watch an imposter pretend and be me and ever take my right from me.

I am particularly very greatful to God who had made all this things possible and they will now rest knowing fully well that they have fail, let me see wht next they will tell you and I trust you that you will not deal with them again or reply any mail to them for they are big fools who have nothing to do, these are the same way they deceaved my late father untill they eventaully killed him and made away with some part of his money.

Here is my passport so that you will know the person you are helping but please keep it very secret because of the circustances surrounding our fund.

You can now send the money so that we can finalised the whole things before you now come down.

Thank you very much for understanding and bearing with the sitaution we found our selves but please do some thing to your telephone number for it is not working.

Can't you give me your cell phone number.

Your won.

Kenneth (KENFRED2020).

He didn't hear from during a whole day although I told him I'd go to western Union as soon as I got the copy of his pass. So he writes me again. I suppose he's starting to think I'm making fun of him.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I can not believe that today just went like that with out you keeping to your promised and I have always been doing all that you will ask me to do.

I have only ask you just this two things and you can not give:

1.Your telephone number you gave a non working number that in it self does not show that you are a serious partner who wants to help.

2. The money I had to confirm from the western union today for according to you.

A. you sent money last time and there was no trace at all the western union that you with your name sent money to any body.

B. That fisrt thing today when I send you my identity you will be off to western union money transfer and yet we all are still wating for the control numbers.

Bye for now.


now I really have to find something new. it's time that he learns the it's not over - scared you didn't I ?
The story continues.. The truth I am talking about is this new idea I had : pretending that I lied to him and that I am a student without money.
But would Kenneth steal the entire savings of a poor student ?


To : Kenneth 31

Dear Kenneth,

I looked at your passport. It is obvious now that you really are Kenneth Pascal.

You are a clever man Kenneth because you understood that something was wrong.

And now I have to tell you the truth because we cannot go on with these lies.

I am not a business man. I am only a 23 years old student. Please forgive me.

Do you remember when I told you that 3400 euros was too much ? And that I wanted to pay only 500 euros ? It's because 3400 euros is a huge amount for a student, for I don't work. In fact by that time I really only had 800 euros. But meanwhile I managed to collect more money. I asked for my grand ma to give me in advance my christmas gift. And so did I with my aunt, and my oncle. And grand father on my mother's side. And I borrowed money to all my friends.

But the problem is I have only 2800 euros and I really can't get more. Can you manage somehow to collect the remaining 600 euros ? Or maybe 2800 is enough to get the documents.

If not, I will be maybe able to get as high as 3400 euros but it will take time.

The phone number I gave you is a false one. Sorry for that. It's because I don't want my parents to be involved in that transaction. I'm afraid my father would tell me that this transaction is not legal. He would tell me that I cannot get 15% of 12,5$M without paying taxes to the governement and so on... So I don't want to tell him.

I live in my parent's home and I had a cell phone but the phone company cut my account because I spent too much money chating with my friends. My father don't want to pay me another phone subscription because of that, and as I told you the only money I have are these 2800 euros I am planning to send to you.

And I told you also that I'd come to Adibjan on the 15th of june. But that's not true. My father is actually going to Adidjan and he told me that MAYBE I can go with him. But he told me yesterday that it is not possible because his company won't pay the airplane ticket for me.

I'm really sorry I had to lie to you but I thought that you wouldn't want to be my businness partner. Sometimes one has to lie. Didn't you lie sometimes ? I'm sure you had to lie sometimes to get things, otherwise it's not possible to get the things you want ? Don't you agree ?

But please, don't let me down. I really have those 2800 euros. And if we wait I will manage to collect the rest of the cash.

Please let me be your partner.

Your friend


Kenneth believes me. Or is he just pretending to believe me ? Anyway, notice that this son of a b**** doesn't mind to steal a poor student's savings.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am indeed very happy now that you have given me the true picture of your self for I am very happy now that lies are over and above all that I can trust you and very ready to do this transaction with you because we have come a long way and I enjoy you even though I have not met you before.

We must move ahead and please wast no more time about this transaction for we are almost through.

You can send the 2,800 euro immediately today so that we look around on how to complete so that we can get the documents on time.

I want to take it that you are a very lucky man to have won my mind.

You can send the money to DAVIS IKE ABIDJAN COTE D' IVOIRE.

I will be waiting for your mail and still keep it secret from your parents for a time will come when the money comes to your account then you will be praised. Take care for we shall talk more letter.

Kenneth (KENFRED2020) why are you not using this code?

Kenneth again. where the heck is the money ? He ends the letter with "cheers" and "your friend" just like I did. Looks like he's learning from me. Or is it to show that we are friends ?


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

What happend today again, why are you doing this when you know we have too much money coming our way but this delay will not have us so please try first thing tomorrow morning try and send the money.


Your friend.


What the heck do I tell him now ? I have to find a new excuse for not sending him the money. Got it. let's introduce a new character : "My father".


To : Kenneth 31

Mister Pascal or who ever you are,

I Am François Aubertin, Frédéric's Father. I now understand why my son had to borrow so much money and why he stayed late at night in front of the computer. Let me tell you one thing : I don't know where you got all this "dirty" money ( drugs traffic, weapons traffics etc) but we do not want your dirty money because we are an honest family and we do not earn money otherwise than the official way.

My son doesn't work and I want him to finish his studies. The money he collected is all the money he has. I don't want him to lose all his savings with a guy like you.

So leave him alone please.

F . Aubertin

Ken's reaction


No answer. I expected this. My "father" scared him. But what about our friend the imposter, the other Kenneth ? Looks like he gave up. let's put him back in the race. I send him the scan of Kenneth31.s passport and ask him to tell me more about this Kenneth31.

I hope he will tell me a lot of things. So I will be able to have Kenneth31 being very mad at Kenneth2000.
It'll be interesting to have those two lads swaping insults messages.
By the way, sending Kenneth2000 a message is a good way to find out if this fake Kenneth is REALLY another guy.


Hi Kenneth "2000",
As you can see attached, the real Kenneth sent me his passport. So HE is the real Kenneth Pascal. But I'm not mad at you. And I'd like you to tell me how you know Kenneth's story, with his father and the poisoning and so on....obviously you know this guy.

I'd like to be sure with this Ken before I send him the fees with Western Union. You know what ? I will send you a 50 euros banknote with registred mail and you tell me all the things you know about this Kenneth. No Western union please because they ask for a big commission.

What do you think of that ? Is that a deal for you ?

Give me your postal adress and I send you the 50 euros. OK ?


Yes !! Kenneth2000 is still there. I was afraid he'd delete his mailbox account (since Kenneth is not his name).

But he doesn't want to do what I asked him for.

He writes me in French. He tells me I am his French speaking brother. But his French is very bad. His English is much better. He mixes "Tu" (which means "you") and "Vous" (which means "you" when you want to be very polite). it's either "Tu" or "Vous". You cannot switch from one to another. He ask me for my phone number so we can "dispute" (have an argument) instead of "discute" (chat). He says he'll sell this father's "bisous" ( kisses) instead of "bijoux" (jewels).

This Kenneth 2000 has to be another guy : why would Kenneth act as he was 2 different persons. it's too risky for his transaction.


Bonjour Frederick aubertin,

je te remercie pour votre message je suis tres heureux de lire votre message j'ai decider de vous ecrit en francais parceque vous êtes mon frere francophone c'est vous qui avez colinisés notre pays donc j'ai decider de vous ecrire ce message en francais pourque vous compreniez .

cet passport qui vous a etez envoyer n'est pas mon passport j'ai pas de passport international donc je vous dit de prendre votre temps pour bien etudiez ce passport qui vous a ?tez envoyer parceqque cette photo n'est pas ma photo je vous informe que si vous envoyer de l'argent a quelqu'un d'autre et non moi si il ya un probleme ne me dites pas car je ne suis pas au courant si vous insistez c'est a votre risque .

concernant les documents, je vous ai demander l'argent pour fait un nouveau certificat du depot a votre nom comme le beneficier du colis pourque ca soit facile pour vous pour recuperer le colis en france.

meme cinq franc je n'ai pas besoin de ca de votre part donc soit tranquille n'envoie pas d'argent a quelqu'un ici a Abidjan meme moi ne m'envoie pas de l'argent desque le colis sera en france vous aurez a payer tous les freres et recuperer le colis comme vous verez la personne a qui vous allez donner l'argent.

je vais fait tout mon possible pour vendre les petits bisoux de mon pere pourque je paye 1,450 euros que je vous ai demandez.

je veux qu'on dispute bien au telephone je suis un ivoirien normalement je doit parler le francais donc je vous dit de vous mefiez de l'avocat de mon oncle je vos dit encore S'il vous palit n'envoyer pas d'argent a quelqu'un.

envoyer mon votre numéro de telephone direct pourque je vous appel.

j'attend votre message

Votre frere


Now let's tell Kennent31 that the way is clear : I (Frederick, the student) changed my password so our father won't disturb us anymore. I tell him that I don't care about my father and that I want to continue. "Pipeau" is a small flute but it means also "dummy" or "bullshit" in french slang.


To : Kenneth 31

Dear Ken,

I had big troubles with my father. As you can see he managed to get into my mailbox because my password was our family dog's name ="Pipeau=". I changed my password now so it will now impossible for him to send you a mail. By the way : KENFRED2020. So you can see it's me again. My father wants me to finish my studies but I'm fed up with this. I had to do twice the second year (medecine studies). If I get the 15% of 12.5M$ I won't have to study the rest of my life. So no matter where you got that money, I'm still willing to carry on with our transaction. With all this trouble I didn't manage to go to Western Union. Tomorrow it's sunday and on monday it's hollyday ( "pentecote" a christian hollyday, I guess it's the same in Cote d'ivoire). So you'll have to wait untill tuesday. In the meantime I managed to gather another 100 euros. So I will send you 2900 euros. To Mr Ike Davis, president of Pyramid Trust. Is that correct ? By the way, they didn't answer to my apologizes letter. What's up with them ?


Your friend


It worked ! Kenneth31 is back again. he's still waiting for my money. don't forget, it's his only goal.

Notice that he doesn't seem aware that I keep writing to Kenneth2000. Another evidence that shows that they are really two lads.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am indeed realy very happy to read your mail on this monday been a penticote holiday, I must tell you that I am happy with you now and your radicale action you took espercailly from changing your password just like I did when I suspected a problem,I am happy to be your partner and we must conclude this business then I will come over to paris and we shall invest together then all your worrise will be gone as a very rich man at that leval people will listening to you because of our richness and your father will never ever know the source of your wealth.

You can send the money to DAVIS IKE ABIDJAN COTE D' IVOIRE he is the head of the legal department in the pyramid trust security company here in Abidjan.

I must still thank you for making the money up to 2,900 euro it really goes to show your interest in this transaction and I promise you that all that you have and will spend in this transaction will be paid back to you immediately we recieves this fund before we start sharing our fund according the per-centage we have both agreed to share.

Do have a blessed day today and enjoy your self for I am very happy with you please keep it up.

I will be expecting your mail tomorrow morning with the controls number of the money you will send through western union money transfer.

Yours own.


My answer to Kenneth2000's French letter. What I expect from him is that he tells me in some way or another that Kenneth31 is a swindler trying to rob me, so I can get a nice message to forward to Kenneth31


To : Kenneth2000

Why don't you stop now with your lies. Your english is much better than your french. You are not by "francophone" brother . You are an english speaking african, from Nigeria or Ghana or Sierra Leone or any english speaking african country. Anyway this not important.

The scan of your Id card is a fake. You forgot to replace the F by an M. This is too late now. You don't know how to do fake documents.

All I want from you is : you tell me everything you know about this other guy the real Kenneth. You know his story, you akready told me about him. I want to know everything before I send him the 3400 euros he asked for.

And I'm ready to pay you for that. 100 euros. Is that OK ?

Come on, my friend, 100 euros is a lot for you. So help me to lean the truth.

All the best.

Finally I went to the post office at the Western Union Teller. No for sending the money of course but to pick up a blank "to send money" form. I filled it up myself, scanned it and sent the pictures of the scan to Ken.


To : Kenneth31

Dear Kenneth,
I made it finally. I went to Western Union again. This time I give you the transfer control number, not like the other time. The number is 3405679810. I send you as attachment a scan or the receipt. Mr Davis Ike may need it. If there's a problem...

The other guy, the imposter, keeps writing me. He asked to give him my phone number in order to make an arrangment with him. He said I shouldn't trust you.

Please, Kenneth, in the name of god, tell me you are not cheating me because this money I sent to Mr Ike is the only money I had, my entire savings. And I will have to give it back to all the people I've borrowed it.

I'm anxious to get my 15% of your fortune. How is it supposed to work now ? Will you sent it to me ?

I await you response

Your friend


It worked. He went to Western Union as expected. Apparently he got there twice. Once with the number and the second time with a print of the scan. I wonder what the W.U clerk thought when he saw that fake form. Ken sure was ridiculous. Notice that this under educated guy is not able to write "my" name properly.

[Being a Western Union agent in West Africa must be interesting.]


Dear Federick Aubertine,

I was happy with this morning reading from your mail with the western union paper which I immediately forwarded to Davis Ike who went to pick the money but surprisingly according to the western union that the number was not correct I now printed the slip and went with Davis Ike and it was confirmed further that there was no transfer made to Abidjan in Davis Ike name.

I am short of words and did not know what to do but to tell you to please go straight to where you sent the money to find out why is the money not here yet.

I will be waiting for you urgent answer.

Thank you and God help us out of this stage.

Your own.


He still didn't notice that I'm making fun of him


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am still wating for your reponse because immediately I saw your mail I alarted the security company that we must make the document arrangement today, so I am in a very tight cornner and is only you that can make things happen now by letting to fund get here.

Please try and give me a working number where I can call you.

Listen all modelities for this transfer has all been planed and concluded by the security director,Do you know that he has planed that we recieves our fund by this week end and I am already heading towards saturday that you and my life must change and we will start to control our selves because of your father.

Well we will talk more letter let me allow you sort things out first.

Good day .

I am waiting!!!!!!!!!!!.


Ken2000 the imposter still thinks he can scam me.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am not interested in your money but if you insist i only want to let you know that you are doing this at your own risk and i know you will get back to me because you are not going to get any box of money from them because it does not belong to them.

The mistake in the ID, i have reported this to the police and they promised to give me a new one but for the main time i am still using this with a cover not from the police.

I don't have any passport for your information, so to be fore warned is to be fore armed.

Take the risk if you want to and let us see the end result.

Bye for now.

Best regards,

I forwarded this message to Ken 31 , copy Ken 2000



Look what the other Kenneth sent me. I'm beggining to think that there is something wrong. He's telling me I should not trust you. You say you didn't get my money. But you are lying because I went to Western Union and they told me the money has been picked up. Now I know that you have robbed me. I am a student without money and you stole all my savings ! You are a thieve with no scruples. I'm sure you would steal a beggar.

I should have listen to Kenneth2000. He's an imposter but he tells the truth sometimes and he knows things about you. You see Kenneth2000 is more honest than you because he warned me and he didn't steal my savings.

What am I going to do now ? My father's going to kill me when he'll know what happened.

Ken 2000, reading that I'm not trusting Ken 31 anymore, really think it's his turn to scam me.


Dear Frederick Aubertin,

I am Kenneth Pascal 2000 so i can't understand your mail and i never took money from you and i warned you that what ever you are doing with the other Kenneth is at your own risk.

But never the less, send me the informations of the western union transfer order so that i will find out the people that took the money and why they took it.

And send me the 100 euro you said you will send to me and i fill this is the right time to collect the 100 euro because now they have collected money from you and i warned you so if i ask for 100 euro, i deserve it. I think i can accept your 100 euro now because i am going to work for you to recover the said amount collected from you.

Use my name to send the money by tomorrow so that i will see what i can do to recover the money and STOP giving them informations of what i write to you in my mails.

This is the last warning i can give you in this transaction so if you wish to lesten to me okey but if you don't, you are doing this at your own risk.

Awaiting for your immediate response on receipt.

Best regards,


Kenneth 31 finally understood that I was making fun of him. Maybe he already knows that his messages will be featured on scamorama.


Dear Federick Aubertin,

I am the more disappointed at your ways may be it goes to show your level of both education and maturity, I am saying this with full authority that you did not send any money because western union works in every PC in the world if you have sent money by writing your name in the western union as frederick aubertin it will accept that you sent money so I ask you to try it go to the net and type www.western

No body can tell lie about sending money or not for this is the second major lie you gave to us about sending money.when you were convince that you are not going to send money why fooling your self for I no longer will believe you for you are a small cheat with out forcuse go start dealing with the other guy if he introduced any business to you.





In French one says "terminons en beauté" (let's end it with beauty)


To : Kenneth 31 & Kenneth 2000



The play is finished. All the actors are on the stage.
I'd like to thank all actors for their excellent performance.

Mugu n° one 's character was played by Kenneth Pascal a.k.a Kenneth "31"
Mugu n° two 's character was played by "the unkown intruder" aka Kenneth "2000"
Fake Security Company's director was played by Mr Davis Ike aka Martin Akoto

And last but not least
Frederick Aubertin's character was played by ... you'll never know.

One again thank to both of you. The story will be sent to

PS : Ken 31 you're not bad at using photoshop, your fake passport scan looks good but you did some mistakes. For example : you forgot to use an italic font for some words written in english. And the edges of the pictures you pasted are too sharp.

PPS : Ken 2000 your fake id. card is really bad. Go back to the advance free fraud school.

PPPS : I knew from the beginning of course. Your bullshit letter with your father poisonned, I got it 4 times in my official mailbox, 4 times with a different name. Take another model. You're ridiculous.

I really expected a message full of insults and threatenings, at least from Ken 31, you know , the one containing colourful expressions of this kind : "may your mother be fucked by an elephant" or "I will kill you and cut you in pieces and throw the parts to the hyenas".

But nothing came. At least during three days.
On the 4th day I got a message from Kenneth2000. I was expecting insults but guess what ?
Although I told him that I was AWARE of this Advance Fee Fraud business,, he's STILL TRYING TO SCAM ME.
Some of them lads are really kind of obstinate, and highly stupid.


Dear Sir,

I am not playing any game with you, and if you feel somebody plays game with you i am not amoung them.

As i told you, i am ready to bring this box to you in France and i am not joking about it, that is why i have been warning you to make sure you don't associate me with the scam issue.

My interest is for you to assist me in receiving this box once it gets to your country and send me some money from their to arrange for my documents to come over their for investment and for me to complete my education.

Best regards,


[Nobody can match the Lads for injured dignity.]

I didn't want to go any further.


To : Kenneth 2000

So you're not like the others ?
Prove it, send me some other fake documents so I can laugh again.
Try the be the funniest as can be, it's for scamorama.

Thank you

Nothing came. He finally gave up too.

Hope you liked this story.

