It was inevitable.

From: Conrad Black Quest <>
Date: April 4, 2009 12:16:02 PM PDT
Subject: bring forward

This is a business; I’m Conrad B. Quest, Senior account officer of Mr. Bernard Madoff, an America businessman and former chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. I want to transfer the funds in Mr. Bernard Madoff’s Account here in United Kingdom out. I have all access to this account of $22,000,000.00USD (twenty two million United State dollars) lying inactive in my branch.

If you are capable to have this deal done without it being notice by my colleague, to be fair, honest and comply with my wish, we will be able to transfer the sum of $11,000,000.00USD out on my first transfer to debit your account. You will open secrete/private new account in Ireland.

This is a risk free transaction if you keep to my advices in paragraph two, you and I known the true source of our richness when we successfully finished transferring the total money out, not to disclose it to third party and my advice if you are not able to keep to vow, change environment to avoid creating doubts in the mind of some folks, if this deal suits you kindly write me via e-mail.

Keep Confidential.

Conrad Black Quest